Chest Implants For Men – To Look Younger & More Macho


It is no surprise that the number of cosmetic surgeries is on the rise in the United States.

A chief driver for this trend is cosmetic makeovers that are becoming affordable while carrying fewer stigmas.

People are increasingly becoming conscious of their buttocks, chest, and nose.

Male patients are becoming a good slice of the market once dominated by women.

Men who like to show themselves as having highly developed chest muscles go for pec or pectoral implants.

Most men do not like it if their chests are too flat or there is an appearance of a sunken chest.

“Repeated exercises did not help me”, says a 35 year old avid body builder”. “I underwent male chest implants surgery to get me the revoluminized looks”.

Despite regular weight lifting and other body building exercises, achieving a muscular chest can be restricted by several factors including age and genetics.

What are male chest implants or pec implants? 

They are gel or solid silicone implants surgically inserted to create a defined chest appearance.

There are 2 types.

1.      Oval – This type improves the lower part of the pectoral / chest area.

2.      Vertical – rectangular – Uniformly enhances the lower and upper chest.

Choosing one depends on the individual – on what they want from the results.

A doctor who has been regularly performing chest implants for males says,My patients have reported improvement in their self-esteem.  Moreover, I also have patients who underwent this surgery to correct too much fat removed after liposuction”.

You must also keep in mind that the procedure has its share of drawbacks.

  • The implants can shift after they are placed in position. This can show up with an asymmetrical appearance.
  • Complete healing is a long-drawn process and can take up to 6-8 weeks.
  • Numbness in the operated area is not uncommon with some patients reporting muscle spasms.

What can you expect from the procedure? 

The surgeon most likely will perform the surgery under general anesthesia. In some cases, local sedation may be used.

The surgeon will make a short incision and insert the implant via the axilla (armpit).

The implant procedure is of a short duration. Patients are allowed to leave the same day.

The doctor will provide a compression garment during the initial period of healing.

You may feel tightness in the chest area as well as pain or some amount of swelling.

But most patients are able to resume their normal routines within a few days.

How to go about the whole process?

Look for a qualified and experienced surgeon first.

During the initial consultation, the doctor will help you select the right size of pec implant that best suits your overall structure.

Doctors recommend patients to avoid smoking, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and any blood thinning medication for 2 weeks before and after the surgery.

What about resuming exercise?

“Even if you feel comfortable 1 or 2 days after the surgery, it is best you wait for a week or so before you resume exercise”, says a specialist of pec implants.

The cost for this procedure can vary upon the patient’s geographical location, the skill and experience of the surgeon, the facility fees, and the type of implants.


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